So if a course curriculum for pt Nurse…

So if a course curriculum for pt./Nurse Advocacy crosses the need for approval or denial @ AZBN does the Bd deny this course from being taught in Az. nursing programs b/c it specifically focuses upon Bd’s involvement with medical errors as well as work place violence against nursing.

Randy Quinn AZBN President 26/27 July 2018 Mtg Critique

“View every day as if it is your last day of peace.” 

The new facility for health care agencies is centered in the government center in downtown Phoenix, Az. It has easy access with ample parking. 

All cases heard today, or now posted here have already been determined, paper work aligned to completeness, before this facade meeting for the hoodwinking of the general public. The view of protecting the general public costs Arizona about 2 unreported deaths created by medical error every hour.  The patient doesn’t matter anymore, unless you’re John McCain. 

The meeting was conducted by the President Randy Quinn, whose presence is maintained and always in control of every move. His visual gained from years of nurse assessments is an out of shape, middle aged man with hypertension. The standard issue, plain white shirt & tie of sorts easily expressing the system and the AZBN will today pass judgement.

The first case on Thurs. was that of reissue application for well known whistleblower R.N. Peary Allen Brown. A very interesting case of a medical mal that eventually brought down a grossly incompetent physician who was prime witness against Brown. The hearing showed Quinn as a mean mumbling mad man with fear. Very quick denial of license  to which Brown later said, “It was Biblical, almost to the tee.” Quinn giving dirty looks and welcomed Brown at the same time. After the vote Brown Left and came back in; two armed police from Maricopa County showed up and stayed the whole time and followed Brown out at lunchbreak. Brown was seen talking to many eager looking students.

A few cases a Sage Mark Dunham had borrowed $ from hospice patient. Respondent claimed isolated incident and got probation and ethics course.

Atty Williams allowed by Quinn to disrupt schedule by retrieving a lost client in the hall. Quinn made no dirty looks here, pleasant. The same part of town.


Narcotic addicted nurse pleads well for time leniency in program and gets it.

Kimya Khales per parents complaint to dismiss after nurse not clamping line leading to childs death. Dismiss/Banner. Oh Randy Please save us.Parents gasping still.

Nurse with purple hair defining erratic driving as fatigue from nursing and seemingly passing field sobriety test and not charged. Gets dismissal and we have absolutely no reason to conclude this case had merit to even be there.

Very distracting the cops watching every move, left at noon & headed towards Mexican restaurant, nurse instructor & students agreeing Board itself should have some kind of monitoring. Students show additional interests about civil matters which Board seems involved with? 

Other cases of note defined a cross section of social issues that were evident simply by the way some of the respondents were dressed. A tall man of retirement age came in and sat in front of me. He was exactly the Michelin Man replica wearing, shorts, sandals and a shirt made from a torn scallop net and carrying a large beach bag like straw bag as a purse. He sat in front of me for for 5 mins rumaging through his beach bag before being called to the Bd. I could see his plumber’s crack. I tried to get Beth A. Campbell’s attention so she could fire one of her world reknown flesh eating spitballs down his crack but that turned out to be a stretch, even for Beth.

 Quinn mumbled some nothings out of horrible audios and dismisses this complaint on this R.N.  I thought he was from the carnival outside. I really Did. It changes images of Nursing In Arizona. 

Being followed out of the building by real police who were neutral was not an issue, except the unnecessary costs on taxpayers. 

27 Fri 

We are biased here and consider “bad nurses’ our colleagues needing assistance and not one a bureaucratic  monster government agency can deliver.

Kent, who knows the Board very well is a gracious professional as always, Quinn still not over her comment,”judge rubber stamped it”. Quinn pretending it doesn’t go on. Why hide it.

Chelle, as usual, tells AZBN you scrutinize more than any other Board. Ha. Now you’ve got to defend your social media persona even though you have absolutely no idea what that is. Using social media in unrelated employment issues as tools against nurse is civil rights violation. Routine.

Agenda frequently askew with attorneys playing musical chairs with the schedule. Patient concerns are gone.


well the AZBON  had lots of ‘bad ‘ nurses at the meeting , crowded . actually that is a sick joke , most of them are not bad at all , not as bad as the BON ! !   AND STAFF!  . Unreal when i lived in WASH state they would have like THREE nurses before the AZBON .

well miss april covia requesting a rehearing , Krishna , who is part of a dead end entry level job , pretends to know what she is doing . Actually Cobia appeared to be very shrewd and quick, with answers , and objections. Kinda of a waste of time since the AZBON does not grant rehearings, no matter how they skirt around it.

MS Kent , who knows the board very well is gracious as always. Appears that mr UNPROFESSIONAL himself Randy quinn still has not gotten over her saying “the judge rubber stamped it ” we all know this goes on, so why pretend it does not RANDY QUINN, who taught you to ‘pretend ” things are real???

the number of ‘failure to respond is quite high, is the AZBON sending to wrong address’s ??? like they havent done that , purposely !  I think who ever is responsible for this , would kill a patient if let lose ,

so many of the settlement , you just knew by looking at the nurses faces they did not do what they signed to bury it and put it away. , in a way you cant blame them but then again, most would not cave in , not anyone who is interested in doing the right thing.

so strange agenda , ‘list available at the board office , but get there NO ONE KNOWS what is going on !

and the psych evals flying again. the azbon is ordering without regard to cost, to the nurses.

dont forget a new investigator LORAL PULTZ,   makes you wonder what they tell these people on interview . cant you hear JOKEY RIdenour? ‘now if you can go HARD of these people we do not want you here, we will guide you what nurses we want to target on more than others, they need to learn a lesson ! ”   you know we are for public safety (SCREAMING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   saying it jokey does not make it true !     This woman is looking rough, smith who has been at board , comes and goes is just as nasty as before , and the tall homely “beth??  from atty Gen office, is a real story teller, makes you sick they way she thinks she has to sit there and lie and make someone look like the biggest animal in the state , when in fact time to look in the mirror , !   ok so the day was long the education report is like WTF is Malloch doing back at the board , give if up and get some younger blood , !!!


All of the above is compiled from first hand view and on site assessment. There are many missing cases but the mission to bring activities/opinions forward into public view is partially complete.

The police of Maricopa County conducted themselves as professionals promoting a sense of safety by a neutral image presence.  Being called there is a Board initiation that does not support the Board. They are peace keepers for all. Not needed since few, if any, could ever breach the security of two trained police with guns. Of course that is the point of it, except other breach easy.

Perhaps a nurse of many years can give an easy view:

It is with o try
I remember one nursing student tell me
If the board put you on probation that is because you deserved it .
I said I’m not a criminal say that to me again after you have worked as a nurse for a couple of years.
Randy Quinn told the nursing students if you don’t stand up for your self
You will never make it in nursing .
I say stand up for your self in nursing and you’ll get fired.

Be aware of your health care, and your neighbors too.

The only valid way to tolerate Quinn; Hypoxic & Lethargic

Amanda Trujillo, R.N. & The AZBN or The Valerie Smith’s SDummies’s Course For How to Break Confidentiality of a Corpse.

Upon first interview with the then enamored nurse it was very apparent to those with a half a brain that this person had what it took to be a real nurse. What can that be a real nurse? The transition into today’s automated, robotic, milieu of dollars and cents from a caring and concerned foundation of yesteryear does not go easy for real nurses. Nurse Trujillo represents the true meaning of, “No good deed goes unpunished.” By the time the system got done with her, and she openly told the world, many experienced nurses would come to realize that nursing, as we know it, is dead. At least in Arizona. Objectively one could easily argue that a statement as profound as that can not be concluded from just one case. This page is loaded with many cases, and unfortunately not a single nurse, except Nurse Trujillo would allow her name to be openly used. The behind the facade of the seemingly public safety agency lies the miserable right wing of extremism of greed and power. In a town that supports big pricks like Arpaio you’ll not only get massive perjured events but unprecedented collisions driven by greed. Amanda Trujillo, R.N. was able to make this clear with her wonderful literary style of honesty. It was so cool viewing so many modern day over educated chameleons defending a corrupted agency when in fact there was many more Nurse Trujillos turned into zombies by this automated establishment. How can this be cool? Its when the whole room knows the truth and the witnesses are lying that stirs up that emotion well known to accompany the truth.

Thanks to all this political punishment the U.S. is left with the worse quality health care rating in the industrialized world. Can it be said that these nurse abuse cases represent the fall of safety which is now staring us all in the face? It is merely one aspect in combination with greed that is killing us. Those who place faith in this system will eventually find out they are no longer part of the great Kingdom that potentially exists. And some will lose their lives, and the lives of loved ones due to medical error, and not have a clue that the dose of Vanco was three times what it should have been. Not possible? Every hour 2 people die in the state of Arizona due to undocumented medical errors. Key word, ‘undocumented.’ Die with that. We don’t remember the AZBN bad tactics as much as remembering their silence in the damages to our loved ones. Nurse Trujillo is just one of the many loved ones.

Valerie Smith was the great white in Amanda’s case, although far from being alone, it was a routine feeding frenzy on an uncooperative nurse whose original documents published were of 2 yrs old of an event not filed until AZBN needed something more?? So a non public c/c never brought forward b/c at the time of the original event there was no evidence of the event. Yeah…this bd will do just about anything you can think of to nurses  and their assistants. The crimes against Amanda perpetrated by Smith are the truth of the violence against nurses, and their assistants. I could not walk downtown if I knew what the the general public now knows about something as evil as what Smith did to Amanda. 
