Selected Silencing of Registered Nurses In Arizona

In the 1990s it was well established that getting  “tossed under the bus” was from, “no good deed goes unpunished.” Common expectation amongst nurses when opening news about errors and incompetence that is under the rug. Although many corporations help in the hiding process its injurious events originate in the field by clinically obtuse people. There are mountains of events and can often be profitable to repair to which pt is often clueless. The scams and shakedowns for profit and pts. are commonly in the ranks of the bankrupted, and recently afflicted for life. The role of the nurse in this is the center of functionality to turnkey solutions. More government regs.  Understanding confusion in nurse’s actions to bypass obvious mals of damages is often in the soul of the nurse to professionally recognize the incompetencies and report them. The phrase that the view is different from ‘under the bus’ refers all personnel that seeing and knowing failures, and sometimes intentional, creates no atmosphere of safety unless the failures get to the front of the class to never be a reoccurrence. Whistle blowers like Amanda Trujillo reveal the depth of illegal activities that the present day academia has conclusively brought forward from the regulatory agency in Arizona to all levels of workplace violence in the workplace of the health care system of Arizona. The reason for that info here is bringing info to public view is important; but the documentation in Nursing History is critical for the future of all. Although K. Paradsis of Teachers College of NYC has brought the insight into the value of Nursing Boards’ inequity by demonstrating in the cherry-picked cases in AZBN of probable unethical behaviors whose social outcome puts Az in the lowest level of active staff nurses in the U.S.  That maybe the epigram of this Nursing Board,/ unethical and illegal behaviors for no more nurses to create cases against. Nurses gone away. Less to kill.

The true damage of illegal actions effects all nurses and patients directly as it restricts nurses from interceding against known dangers in the systems. I’ll get killed when I speak up. Hence ‘The KILLING FIELDS. At the top of the rimracked influencing mine stripping is the psychological damaged nurse and nurses who have lost their livelihoods and in some cases their lives. The AZBN approach is that their decision made is generally un negotiable and trying to fight it will most often cause a sure way of never be licensed in Az again. The partnership with nurses’ former employers is another queer spot for the innocent. The now circulating curriculum references isn’t shy in demonstrations of nurses being run over by busses. Nurses who can not work their own field seek admin position as so many are physical disasters and suffer physically and mentally after working a 12 hr shift. So many want to make money but not everybody wants to work for that money. The need for monitoring in Arizona creates jobs for the fat and lazy nurses who don’t want to work hard in nursing. Real nursing is hard work. The first class I had the professor said not to make value judgements. The following class focused upon the skills to define a value judgement

The experienced clinician knows all too well that nurses can be problematic with addictions and substance issues and this discipline category is common. In spite of federal violations for diversion cases federal involvement is near nil.  Once and a while the DEA in cases suspects a nurse which is all the AZBN needs to ‘get’ the nurse. The guilty can get drunk in the watering hole and pass out in the parking lot and be forever disciplined for working hard and drinking a bad shift away. ♠s for being normal.

The personal damage done with unjust disciplinary actions is not fully explained in the Columbia U. study. This group is greatly thankful for Paradsis’s work and further follow up with psychological experiences and outcomes from illegal and fabricated cases whose cerebral roadwork reads like a Stephen King book, is an adventure in making criminals where none ever existed.The deeper you get in the basements the bigger the rats get. Although I’m a pigeon man. The trail of felonies shows clearly and unabashedly with people like Beth A.Campbell AAG/Az, her boss Mark Brnovich, K Hunter R.N. Linda Monas, Joey Ridenour, Director, SEOs enough for now.

The psychological disadvantages of wrongful prosecutions by this group can not be felt by spectators, and is often mocked by those that caused them. Telling the truth is very bad for the modern day nurse. The Silencing of truthful nurses has its consequences. The fallen maybe dead but the truth will live in Nursing history.

2 responses to “Selected Silencing of Registered Nurses In Arizona”

  1.  Avatar

    Academia has fortunately been in tune w/medical mals and nurse abuse which has forever altered nurses and educational formats for them. However many nurses still don’t reveal what they know.

  2.  Avatar

    The financially and clinically successful nurse in the critical care market during the pandemic routinely would earn $200,000 per yr w/one over time shift per week. This nurse would intuitively know that covid is a single cell virus causing respiratory infections not unlike the common cold seen in many previous yrs. The nurse knows the vaccine for this virus came first. The money is just too good for the truth.

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2 thoughts on “Selected Silencing of Registered Nurses In Arizona

  1. Academia has fortunately been in tune w/medical mals and nurse abuse which has forever altered nurses and educational formats for them. However many nurses still don’t reveal what they know.

  2. The financially and clinically successful nurse in the critical care market during the pandemic routinely would earn $200,000 per yr w/one over time shift per week. This nurse would intuitively know that covid is a single cell virus causing respiratory infections not unlike the common cold seen in many previous yrs. The nurse knows the vaccine for this virus came first. The money is just too good for the truth.

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