Documentation of Permanency AZBN

Continually posting here at this page does get the attention of many that stumble upon it and perhaps plant seeds of curiosity amongst  influential viewers. Keyword would be ‘perhaps’. Many of us, the damaged set, only have a vision of hope that someday truth will be found and that nurses will find justice. The conflicts demonstrated here with the AZBN and its ancillary departments is, in many cases, very clear and leaves little room for doubt that the AZBN is nothing more than a political arm of corporate owned health care. I would say that there are a substantial number of nurses disciplined for stealing and abusing drugs giving Board righteous images of public protection. There are nurses today, this minute, using drugs stolen that are not disciplined out of political inconvenience. Somewhere in the U.S. today a nurse will die of a drug overdose from drugs stolen from the workplace. They are not disciplined because they’re dead; that data remains locked up in police reports. End of story. The evidence in the Radonda Vaught case of Tennessee and Vanderbilt hospital is the foundation of known uselessness and political highlights of nursing boards where and individual can kill a patient out of sheer neglect and be cleared by a Nursing Board as the truth is bad for business. There are many stories of patient abuse and errors reported by nurses only to end up in disciplining actions against the nurse. Many of those are listed here on http://www. although some are aliases out of fear of retaliations. Their stories represent the back room activities of the AZBN. Many nurses are wrongfully disciplined trying to protect patients and or being human in a domestic dispute totally unrelated to nursing. All of this is not new to this site. This information is in this moment a passing knowledge which truly isn’t a part of nursing history. Although many cases are in court documents these documents are generally entered into governmental databanks by nursing boards themselves. Shoring up the statement that the definition of justice is seldom connected to any part of the justice systems. This page will often carry a completely different version of the same case. Giving this information validity will require more than the internet can provide. It is long lasting but still is basically temporary. The need to make nursing board activities a permanent part of nursing histories that can be assessed 25 years from now lies, at this point, with the international standard of book numerations which will allow a constant published account of say the actions and definitions of corruption. Therefore those actions such as Diane Mihalsky and Beth A. Campbell can easily be found with their own ISBN, at a glance 25 years from now. This is as critical to patient safety as Nightingale’s basic nursing works. As easily as these individuals tarnished the reputations of many nurses they themselves can have that behavior of corruption and perjury identified in a permanent and easily accessible databank. These events must be known for patient safety reporting to be effective.

Peary Brown retired R.N.



21 thoughts on “Documentation of Permanency AZBN

  1. Seems like a revolving door at the OAH SHAM COURT, aka kangaroo court. SO efficient , they are, they even have the ‘verdict” figured out before the hearing. ! And the nursing board members actually type out the opinion , for the alj to sign. Janine Dahn , wording is with a slight tilt towards the nurse, no one marked credible only the board liars have that distinction. But the Valerie Smith/ aka Dahn, will put some whacked out comment taken out of context that does not tell what really was said or the most effective statement. Of course it is what goes on the internet, which looks to the nurse as something out of a Stephen King novel of distortion, and a weird night mare of someone’s figment of their wild imagination. Lying “so called witnesses” , are marked credible. ! How can that be, you stated their lies ; you proved your case, even though it is the state that bears the burden they never do ! <even though Diane Mihaskey is so clever she tells the nurse , she does not want to hear any of that , nurses pointing out the lies. Would Diane tell an atty this ? What he can bring up or not , is this the rules of court ? Why is it that in every one of Diane's cases the nurse is bringing up the other party lying their heads off ? Could it be , they are !! Guided by Elizabeth Campbell and Sunita Krishna .
    Now we have a new to AZ, but gets around . Worked in Sex Crimes div (remember the one who flew out to Wash and was going to save the President , and no one paid attn to her ? ) National attn on this office Sex Crimes Cty Atty , and BM , who was rewarded put on Supreme Ct, Here is bio of the ALJ , question is she doing what is expected? Sign what the state agencies want ? Antara Nath Rivera joined the Office of Administrative Hearings on May 20, 2019. Before coming to the Office of Administrative Hearings, Judge Nath Rivera was an Assistant State’s Attorney with the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, in Chicago, IL. She was assigned to the Criminal Prosecutions Bureau-Felony Trial Division. Most recently, from 2018-2019, she was a Deputy County Attorney with the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, assigned to the Criminal Prosecutions Bureau-Sex Crimes West Division. Judge Nath Rivera earned her J.D. from Western Michigan University-Thomas M. Cooley Law School and was the Assistant Managing Editor of the Law Review. She received a B.A. in Sociology, from the University of Illinois-Champaign-Urbana. She speaks Bengali, but can she say "DUE PROCESS " "impartial " "non biased" in english ?

  2. There is little doubt throughout the community of health care that outcomes of treatments can be horrible. The add on to modern nursing is promoting in patients to have family members or other informed guards for every patient. Considering what is common knowledge, at least in Arizona, is being a patient is a very dangerous position even for the simplest of procedure.

  3. AZ Healthcare is one of the worst. The public is ‘fooled” by US news, reports , fake headlines and bought off reports. Yuma medical center top five , what a JOKE ! here is what a local wrote in email, “”The hospital is understaffed (especially the ER) and won’t hire anyone due to a hiring freeze. They say that they’re broke and can’t afford to hire the appropriate staff for the hospital to run efficiently yet they have all the money in the world to keep buying up all the private practices in Yuma.
    Unfortunately all the ranting in the world will not do any good. They don’t care about their overworked and underpaid staff who keep quitting due to the work environment there. It’s very sad for everyone involved, especially the patients who end up suffering due to the hospital’s greed.””

    What patients suffering and what is the BON doing about that ??? HELPING THEM !!

    And YRMC certainly does not value nurses. Why isn’t Marla, Leslie , Karen, putting on their tenny’s and helping out. Just a bunch of liars who will deny anything wrong going on , while stating ‘not for profit” , If their mgt team spent more time on actual patient care , doing back ground checks on the low lives.Instead of dreaming up ways to screw the nurse over they would be more positive approach and professional but instead choose to do dirty tricks, and lie their heads off .
    This is an example of the horrible hospital care in AZ . The AZBON does have a part in this !!

  4. When you are under anesthesia ANYTHING can happen, without your consent .
    Janine, a nurse in Arizona, checked into the hospital for stomach surgery in 2017. Before the procedure, she told her physician that she did not want medical students to be directly involved. But after the operation, Janine said, as the anesthesia wore off, a resident came by to inform her that she had gotten her period; the resident had noticed while conducting a pelvic exam.

    “What pelvic exam?” Janine, 33, asked. Distressed, she tried to piece together what had happened while she was unconscious. Why had her sexual organs been inspected during an abdominal operation, by someone other than her surgeon? Later, she said, her physician explained that the operating team had seen she was due for a Pap smear.

    Janine burst into tears. “I started having panic attacks trying to figure out what had happened,” she recalled in an interview. “I have a history of sexual abuse, and it brought up bad memories.”

    She felt especially unnerved as a medical professional: “Patients put such trust in the medical profession, especially on sensitive topics such as going under anesthesia.” (Janine asked that she be identified only by her middle name. The hospital declined to comment on its policies regarding informed consent for pelvic exams.)
    You cannot trust any healthcare to do what is asked or consent to do the right thing !

  5. Maybe this is why randy quinn does anesthesia, like watching real live porn show. a real POS , just like the rest of the sick puppies , Imagine this CREEP , getting a bug eye of women, naked and being used as human volunteers . right, like give ya the creep factor , willy’s . He has no respect for women at all ; we have seen this when the 4 eyed predator was at the board . seeking out those who he can judge in the sick way they run every aspect of the peoples lives .

  6. Seems like that is a smart mouth ‘boy” BRIAN J WALL Irving Texas who thinks that nurses who are on probation or have been screwed over the by corrupt board of nursing are ‘bad” nurses ! This little fuker is a NEW GRAD pretty mouthy . He needs to have his sass curtailed, and learn a good lesson. Imagine this twerp stating “at least Im not on probation. !! But yet has on his site . this comment !!! Funniest thing: I know at least 5 people (that are reading this now) that that jumped on the bandwagon without facts and just thought this kid was smug and disrespectful instead of being the victim. Funny how things look when you get facts instead of just small bits.
    Don’t let him comment, he needs to read about himself and learn to listen,. Hope his MOUTh gets him in trouble big time. !! keep it up , little boy wall , don’t think your mother would be PROUD OF YOU AT ALL !!!! Yea, that will frustrate him to no end, for sure !! Silence that mouth of his !!! He grad like a month ago , mouthy as randy queer one . maybe his potential employers will read about him !!!

  7. Any of those type of nurses who do not think that a board complaint cannot come from made up events fabricated bullshit , and just a string of liars lined up the board of nursing employees with Ridenour being the ring leader. Just because it has not happened to you, don’t think you are spared for life. Notice how the bd avoids going after mgrs. , and only goes after those who are working in a front line position with public contact.? why isn’t the DON called in ? Why are they protecting nurse mgrs ? the board puts things out there , drama words, like the newscaster who wants to control your thinking. ANd how many people allow that ? many . Why is it that a new grad cannot or will not learn from a seasoned nurse ? Do they think they are special ? or that it will never happen to them . Of course they always think that there is ‘more to it ” . when it is pretty clear what happened . ANd who is dumb enough to kick someone who is as wrongly convicted as those who’s cases are turned around after 20 -30 – 40 years , finding them innocent . When they see they let out they cheer , up until then they are guilty as sin. IS there anyone who truly believes that a board is not capable of black balling a nurse, and a corrupt board voting to require so much they wont agree to it so revoke . based on their distorted punitive mind sets. No, anyone who has an opinion of someone losing their license and posting a haha is not someone I would allow a voice , as liberal as a site can be , no way. Which should make that person grow up and think. !

  8. When you hear it from a former bd member , would they still deny it happens ?””” But in my time at the Board rarely did I see the application of rules to the RN executive for oversight, management, and supervisory responsibilities that are found in rule. The Board consistently places the responsibility on the nurse , and falls back in the old adage that a person can’t control the actions of another- therefore the nurse executive gets off with a slap on the wrist only. In my view, that nurse’s lack of action places multiple more patients at risk…. “”””” and of course “public safety ” . right !

  9. Uh, so weird , the ones who say , well i have a friend who is a nurse and they say that this cannot happen , blah blah blah, . So because someone has a nursing license they know how a board o f nursing operates ?? ? more dumb and dumber ! Once in awhile you will meet some sharp people who don’t doubt it for a minute. Then there are those who , base their mind set on the AZ NA !! no kidding ! the azna is not for nurses , and now they have a former board member , Busby as their lobbyist ! . Then there is that group who will actively work to expose them , then the ones who are so damaged they went into deep depression. . Putting someone into the darkest days of their life , they can only (try) to blame it on the nurse and not take ANY responsibility for their actions ). deliberate actions .

  10. Ducey is going to fight Red 4 Ed vigorously. WTH, his friends can’t afford to be taxed ? He got reelected , but does he have his sites on working again , running for another office ? Support the teachers with guts , too bad nurses don’t do the same a wave of scrubs , too chicken , need unions . to those of you who think ! that this corrupt board will do the right thing ! ! look at their over sight committee D U C E Y .
    Who isn’t paying attention. The one who is pulling all the loose canyon strings for the board is B E T H Campbell. Not legal advise , but basically telling them which way to vote. Be careful, Board, Especially the naive ones, , listening to this bag of wind .
    what happened Hall , making more threats . lots to learn that boy does.

    1. DUCEY is the one who appointed Busby to the board. This article tells of her DUI, but seems she had multiple. dui’s . and her BAR member ship . is that intact . raises lots of questions. And if Randy the dip sh*t that makes BS statements , he wants to HELP people (haha) what did he do to help a co board member ???
      Turn a blind eye. is all. While his fb (which is coming next , ) has cans of soda pop, with statement “this is how mormons drink” After all Quinn is one of those “GOOD ‘ mormons, A dirt bastard playing judge , is all we see. In his own mindless thought process. AZBON and Kathryn L. Busby, JD: Extreme DUI Dismissed by County Attorney? How? CTY ATTY office is corrupt . (an OAH ALJ is from that office BTW! )

      Perhaps THIS is the reason why so many nurses get by with DUI, extreme/aggravated DUI, or DUI with hit and run with nothing more than a non publicized/private slap on the hand by the Arizona Board of Nursing. It appears as if Ms. Busby has herself *allegedly* received an extreme DUI with what appears to be some *alleged* time in jail holding in 2013.

      Interestingly the charges were DISMISSED BY THE COUNTY ATTORNEYS OFFICE. How? With a blood alcohol level between .15-.19 with a red light run? I have sources working on confirming whether these are the same individuals but the middle name and birthdates match…

      Does the STATE BAR take DUI THIS LIGHTLY? Did they facilitate a possible dismissal of charges against Busby? If this is the same individual who sits on the State Board of Nursing, how is she allowed to hold a spot on this Board having committed an offense such as this? The AZBON touts its mission as protecting the public, yet Busby herself allegedly endangered the public. Arizona Board of Nursing Bio states she represents various healthcare providers and entities??? How does she “represent” them? According to the State Bar of Arizona Ms. Busby is currently on “inactive” status.

      Board Member McCormies advertising herself as an MD, Busby allegedly involved in a severe DUI and RED LIGHT RUN, past reprimand from the State Bar……who has Ducey appointed to sit on this Board of Nursing and what does it say about the standards by which he operates to protect the safety of the public?

  11. Ducey doesn’t want to step on his Thunderbird Buddies toes, you know the ones who wear the blue velvet jackets with silver belts and big native american necklaces, with aqua stones. They all have a lot of money and would have to pay according the the bill introduced. The same thunder chickens , Brnovich budding up to , close friend had a talk with the bearded man with the forearm crutches, and plastic cast on his foot. got to whisper a few words of wisdom . Sometimes people like that too busy to pay attn to the ones who are ruining the entire offices reputation. Seems like counting down the days , is in order. Just know , he wasn’t too happy with the first hand news.

  12. A direct quote , on what the problems were , and why they took exit right . ” I left because they care about money, not people. They took a single mother, 7th generation member, and excluded her from ‘blessings’ due to hearsay about her. They treated her like a pariah. They made it known that if you aren’t doing what they want you to, then you are nothing to them.” Sounds all too familiar, doesn’t it? They have all kinds of hoops for you never mo’s to jump, Let the obedient one free to kill a patient while the ones who say, hey, I don’ t live in communist county here. They will make you pay , just like this elderly woman . pariah board , pariah investigators and just a stupid DA , that thrive on hearsay .

  13. Interesting, from an observer who is silently paying attention. I have sent you a great deal of information from the study I have been doing on the Board of Nursing. But I wanted to add some additional observations that may (or may not) be of interest to you. Things have gotten way out of hand over there and I am extremely concerned for a few of my colleagues who are currently caught up with the Board, and nurses in general in this state.

    While working on my research study, I found statistic in their journal that reads 40% of all complaints are never opened or are dismissed. I don’t know if this is useable to you but I do know its a result of the statute changes that provide more latitude to the board. that being said, when they make the decision simply not to open a complaint are they doing the same thing to other nurses that they did to me, dismissing valid complaints that should be looked into? How many of those 40% of complaints are deemed “retaliatory” when they are actually important missing pieces to an investigation that help put together the true nature of what happened??? This greatly hurts nurses, and puts many out of work, and doesn’t provide a full investigation, or at the very least, a fair one. I still cant get the complaint opened against Frank Fausto and yet that would have made a huge difference, especially because I had a witness that would have testified I did nothing wrong in my case. But the Board continues to ignore the valid complaint I file, refusing to open it and investigate it–and that’s with me telling them how this nurse violated the nurse practice act.

    The quote is in their regulatory journal for may 2012 volume nymber 1 page 16 by Kathy Malloch: “Once you are reported to the board for an alleged violation of the NPA, it is on your record for- ever. FALSE. (Approximately 40% of cases/complaints reported to the board do not meet triage criteria and are either not opened or a violation of the NPA has not been found.)” My concern is that the amount of latitude given to the board is too wide and people are falling through the cracks. I understand the auditor generals past concerns in his reports, but in pressuring the board to improve their investigation times the board has been compensating by tossing out complaints or issuing mass letters of concern in order to increase the movement of cases through the board process====which in effect hurts both nurses and the public. Im finding in my research that the past couple of years there has been a rise in letters of concern more than the other years and this coincides with the auditor generals recommendations to improve their investigation times.

    Most of what hinders the investigation process is that with each nurse they open a complaint on they go through the ENTIRE history of the nurses work history instead of just investigating the complaint at hand, they interview all former work places and coworkers which takes a lot of time, they also subpoena any and all medical records of the nurse and his/her pharmacy records which also takes more time. This is understandable in cases where substance or abuse has been involved, or medication errors or sentinel events (injury/neglect/abuse/death), but the length through which the board goes through to dig through a nurses history is extensive and their investigation times and manpower and use of resources would be greatly improved on simply focusing on those severe cases that involve the aforementioned issues that truly can put people in danger. They also order psychiatric evaluations on every other nurse which takes up more investigation time, but it also is unnecessary in many cases. In many of the cases I read, the order for the psych evals are requested at the time the nurse initially presents to the board and given 45 days to complete it.

    These are the very same people that are getting no punishment and letters of concern and put back out into the public. Pushing cases through at a rapid rate they way they are now is not serving the public well being whatsoever, and neither is using personal judgement to decide who gets a complaint opened and who doesn’t. There needs to be more criteria set forth that doesn’t allow them this kind of power. They are interpreting the law and misusing it. They write their own rules, which gives them more power, and this is how people are falling through the cracks. There needs to be more oversight in the rulemaking process and the application of it. Greg Harris the legislative liason doesn’t count either, because he actually used to serve on the board and helped make a lot of rulings. It should be another party from another agency who oversees how the board is actually interpreting and applying the statutes in a way that not only benefits the public but also in an ethical manner that doesn’t hurt good nurses. The fact that medical records are used against us, the privacy that’s violated there— and in one case I know, a nurse practitioner currently under investigation==their sexual orientation and practices being used against them===is horrific at best……..

    Why do we have a Nurse practice Act if the Board is going to pick and choose who to apply it to? Whats the point? That doesn’t protect the public—at all. The injustice of the inequity in disciplinary measures—- is tragic for nurses

  14. the RED FLAG laws are being signed in other states. A comment on how you can be on the list and have your guns rights taken
    <<< >>>>

    WHat they forgot to add, was a crazy board and lunatic AAG that is trying to make everyone mental by ordering psych evals on everyone who goes before the board. Apparently this person is not a nurse or is aware of the boards, very common order of psych evaluations. Crazy is this board, and pretty much worthless, the cost is too high, that is why the board got their dirty buddies at the legislature to pass a bill that the nurse pays. AND got the dirty AZNA to back them . Did Ridenour forget her lie to students ? AZNA protects nurses, while AZBON protects the public (LOLOLOLL) Such liars, and even twist their lies over and over , Students, pay attention, when their mouths are moving they are lying ! Their is NOTHING fair about this board. And yes fairness, is part of their mandate.

  15. If a nurse has any discipline on their record, they cannot serve on the BON, But a ‘public member” who was caught doing the unethical , was able to just ‘turn in her license ” and be done with them ! A nurse cannot simply , turn in license without it ruining the rest of their life and chance to work . And why is that ? where does that fit under protect the public. As if the boards do not have records or resigning license, if you re apply. They have to announce it to the world. , so guess what, turn about if fair play. expose the corrupt board, some of them should have their licenses revoked , but it is expected of the dir that you are unethical so nothing happens. Here is Ms Busby’s , out of her role as a public member . OH BTW she is the lobbyist for the AZ NA, surely got big recommendation from the board, she knows dirty politics and is a willing partner . Former – Attorney Kathryn Busby of Phoenix; ethical misfit

    The state of Arizona provided Kathryn L. Busby with a law license in 1982 after she graduated from Arizona State University Law School.
    The Arizona State Bar found Kathy guilty of the following misconduct.
    In one matter, Kathy became a frequent customer of a Phoenix restaurant and later socialized with the owner and then provided him with legal and business advice. Shortly thereafter, Kathy filed a dissolution action on behalf of the owner and when he remarried; his new wife helped managing several restaurants.
    Kathy received a 1% ownership interest in the restaurants as payment for her legal work. However, she failed to make the client aware of any of the legal ramifications of a business transaction with a client. The terms of the business transaction were also not fully disclosed in writing as required by the Ethics Rules, a fact well known to Kathy.
    Several years later, Kathy drafted a will for the restaurant owner and his wife, but failed to failed to obtain their informed consent in writing for the joint representation.
    As a consequence of her misconduct, the cheerleaders of Attorney Misfits sitting on the Arizona Supreme Court punished Kathy by gifting her with a complimentary admonition.
    As we speak (ca. July 2015), Kathy practices at 2601 East Edgemont in Phoenix, Arizona.

  16. More AZ corruption. Cops break the law, get investigated, rare anything happens, If they do have a mark on their certification, the law makers (except for ONE honest one) wants that scarlett letter list to be hidden !! Look at all of the public shaming this corrupt board of nursing does to nurses . UNIONS needed a REAL Nurse Association, not the robin schaefer pretend , for the nurse, group of mgt thinkers protecting the hospitals and screw the nurse .

    House Bill 2114, introduced by Phoenix Republican Rep. John Allen, adds an appeal process for officers prior to even being put on that list as well as other additions, such as making it so an agency can’t use the list in hiring or firing practices.

    The #PhoenixLawEnforcementAssociation, or #PLEA, helped write the bill and is its primary advocate.

    The bill was approved Feb. 19 by the committee on a 6-1 vote.

    The only lawmaker who opposed it was Rep. Richard Andrade, D-Glendale. He is also the only member of the Public Safety Committee who has not received campaign contributions from PLEA’s political action committee, according to campaign finance records.

    Nava, the son of a police officer himself, said he was concerned with how the appeal process could further complicate trials, given that little is known about how such appeals would be conducted.

    “Really, I haven’t heard a lot about how this appeal process is going to work,” Navas said, adding that the bill seems to be less about “due process for officers” and more about protecting “possible #badapples.”

    Proponents of the bill, such as PLEA Executive Director #JoeClure (who is on the board of the Maricopa NAACP and they ironically have very little to nothing to say about Phoenix Police violence), shot back, saying that the Brady List is a “scarlet letter” for officers and getting off the list is often a difficult task.

    “We are not here to protect bad apples,” #SeanMattson with the #FraternalOrderofPolice said. “This is just to instill an opportunity for due process.”

    Rep. John Kavanagh, a Fountain Hills Republican and retired police officer, said the list is currently public record and not difficult to obtain.

    However, ABC15 recently spent nearly a year making public records requests in order to create a publicly searchable version of the Brady List of Arizona officers for the first time ever.

    The list, which contains 1,400 law enforcement officers, also contains the name of Rep. #AnthonyKern, R-Glendale, who sits on the #PublicSafetyCommittee and voted in favor of the bill.

    Kern was fired from his job at the #ElMiragePolice Department, where he worked as a code enforcement officer, for lying to his supervisor. That landed him on the #BradyList, the Phoenix New Times reported last year.

    An investigation by USA Today last year found that many prosecutors across the country aren’t even properly using or tracking officers on the Brady List, sometimes leading to wrongful convictions.

    The bill will next head to the house for consideration by the full chamber. It must also pass the Senate to become law.(AND WE KNOW WHAT TYPE SERVE ON THE AZ SENATE !! COPS AND FIREMEN VOTE, GET ON THEIR GOOD SIDE , FORGET PUBLIC SAFETY !!! ) Imagine if the BON had to take down all of their one sided lies !!

  17. Not only is the use of these “witnesses” the leading cause of wrongful convictions, they are the catalyst behind much of the misconduct in our Justice System. Prosecutors and police routinely rely on these dubious sources in order to convict people, while engaging in misconduct to hide either their lack of credibility or the fact that they have received incentives for their testimony. It’s a practice that needs to stop! There will never be a “fair trial” in America as long as the Authorities are allowed to purchase perjury! Don’t think that the skank’s Elizabeth A . Campbell and Sunita Krishna Cairo aren’t doing this very thing ! Who’s the real unprofessional here ? Who’s the real criminals here? They know the “witness ” is a lying but it is encouraged. And the shanks on the board and working at the board ,are right in with it. Between the investigators who write up a work of fiction , to present to the board, who knows it ‘s lies to the ALJ who knows it too. While the nurse is trying to explain why they are lies, the interruptions by all just keep on coming. No one interrupted those rude bitches. It is all one big plan of attack. The more who are involved the less they can point the finger at one, (THINK AGAIN).

  18. Like it was yesterday, a case at the board of nursing agency. {Then the man who came into the ER in Wickenburg with a live moth in his ear. His friend who he went to school with and knew him 20 yrs took him in lavaged the ear moth flew out. Registration did not register this patient, SHE escorted him to the back , and SHE is the one reported him to BON . He still works there , this case FOUR years old !! Preston : the facility had no problems with this ? “no” “I DONT BELIEVE YOU ! ” What now Preston is a human lie detector? WTH? Your guess is as good as mine. !}
    Sad , and mouthy ones like Preston who thinks she has it to talk down to other nurses , she must do this with patients, and according to her , everyone is a liar. everyone.

  19. Looks like Preston termed out, but worse than her, is Carolin McCormies<BIG MISTAKE DUCEY !) is back on the board, the know it all , she thinks, running her mouth. The rest have either been told, or picked up on how to vote, go along with the first motion. a bunch of dumb sheep . No one thinks for themselves or has en educated, voice , just props , to make sure the vote goes around , lying props, that is questioned would have no clue anything about the matter. They can skate , by being lazy and stating that they read the matter SKIMMING , is NOT reading . Reading the final opinion is NOT reading . Then mccormies gets her buddy on the board, FOUNTAIN, who seems to be well trained in voting but not thinking. She cannot say she has not had complaints on her while giving anesthesia . no way.

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