Diane Mihalsky Adm Law Court AZBN ‘The Firm’


Do not confuse the definition of justice with anything related to the justice system.

It has long been known that the AZBN has not complied with state laws that involve felonies and several ethical issues that would get another state governmental agency in hot water. Many have posted comments here which support that statement, however posts maybe vague to dates, times, and people the overall consistency creates validity in spite of undetermined accuracy. Meaning the volume of statements has value. There is absolutely nothing that can remove vagueness as well as accuracy of names, dates and times. The following account of an AZBN case covers ten years which accurately defines felonies by many. Case began in 2010.

The patient is a hysterically converted personality which had Freud confused by not being able to focus on anything except anxiety founded. Supporting major surgery of the spine would normally require a diagnosis. For Dr. Isaac Thapedi, formerly of Chicago, doing major spine surgery requires only a perfectly normal spine with a patient claiming paralysis. The crooked implants tore up the patient’s esophagus causing huge weight loss and major dysphagia. This knowledge came about after a year of moron exchanges between Thapedi and family, with a dash of Bullhead City Municipal Court corruption.

The surgeon’s continuing practice during this time was nightmares for patients and staff as well. Infections and redos were common. Putting drains in on Saturday or Sunday to avoid too much exposure was the norm.

The main focus of this article is not necessarily to define Dr. Thapedi as an incompetent and ruthless person but for the failure of the AZBN to avoid the clear evidence of patient abuse. The intimidation by Beth A. Campbell AAG and Dr. Thepedi’s counsel T. Scott King are the make up of the well known 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S. today; the health care system itself. Another patient subsequent to this case died at the age of 38 with a very similar condition. Had an appropriate intervention been applied her life would have been not lost. That is a fact.

Dr. Thapedi had an attempt at WARMC in Bullhead City to promote them to file  AZBN complaint against me which they refused. To their credit they denied his request and cancelled his contract with embarrassing stipulations to which he spent a year and 6 months in court to be relieved of. The restriction he opposed was a limitation of employment at WARMC’s competitor, Valley View Medical Center; where I worked after being terminated from WARMC for allegedly threatening Thapedi. After he won petitioning out of his contract he put all his rotten eggs in one basket to work at Valley View. I was terminated from there shortly before his hacks started there. His performance remained unchanged and he was thrown out of surgery soon after. By this time Dr. Thapedi was the Bullhead City Icon of surgical horrors. All of this was known before he and the AZBN came after me with false allegations. Patient safety is secondary to politics.

The attorney general’s office is responsible for prosecuting cases when respondents refuse probation. Dr. Thapedi and his nurse manager, girl friend  Therese Rowan perjured themselves in December of 2013 at the bequest of AAG Beth A. Campbell. Leading witnesses to make false statements under oath which sways a judge is a felony, suborning perjury is a serious crime. This is routine at Adm Law Court, as many of my colleagues can prove. 

My application for renewal after about six years of useless investigations was denied for violations that the statute of limitations had run out 25 years prior. A 5 inch stack of police reports of complaints from former girlfriends was illegally presented as my ‘long criminal history’to which I failed to state on decades old applications. Any police report that isn’t used in open court is NOT for public knowledge. Not to mention I was acquitted at trial anyways, in 1990. Diane Milhasky said I had a long criminal history. I DO NOT have a lengthy criminal history. I was never ever arrested or convicted of a moral turpitude crime. To which is the foundation of injurious crimes and it never was a licensing issue as there was none.

Throughout 2019 I attempted to get licensed and denied through the sham court of Diane Mihalsky of the Adm. Law Court of Phoenix. I must admit that this was the most exciting and obnoxious demonstration of all the injustices seen in this case. The Amended Law ARS 32-1232 and many more of the Health Care Regulatory amendments was a major accomplishment for the legislatures, Nancy Barto,  and the governor. In that law it states, amongst others, the AZBN can not move on their own motion. When this was brought up at trial Judge Mihalsky played very dumb at the direction of Beth A. Campbell and power pointed in the overhead an old law. You can always tell when somebody is singing karaoke, however coming from a family that has lawyers their Interpretations are different. I call it karaoke, my people call it this. ‘Any attorney or judge that does this is coded fruitcakeville.’ They fly around in their own flying saucers waiting to crash. 

The facts also place Linda Monas as a lying perjuror at several different levels with the rum and cokes not seen. If I was any of these people I would be a hopeless drunk. Lying under oath, ignoring state statutes, tampering with evidence and suborning perjury would be something I could not live with. 

Many years ago as a young Navy recruit I was sitting in a classroom with many other similar personnel listening very attentively to  Cdr Nurse Eleanor Parker giving her introduction to hospitalcorpsman instructions. “You will not ever falsify medical records while working as a hospital corpsman in the Navy. One false blood pressure documentation is grounds for a court martial and a dishonorable discharge. If I find out I will travel around the world to get you court martialed.” Commander Parker was a hard ass in true Navy fashion and she trained hard asses. Failure in medical ethics costs lives and my involvement in this case saved a life. This case costs $1,750,000.00 in medical bills alone. Undetermined amount of social misery; on a case that never needed surgery and fraud was what brought it forward. The only point it was good for was identifying the corruption in the Attorney General’s office, the AZBN, and the Bullhead Municipal Court Justice system. The management knew already, before this case, that Dr. Isaac Thapedi and Therese Rowan were bad providers but hired then anyways. There are several untold pieces to this story, the end being one of them.

Peary Brown, retired R.N. 



26 thoughts on “Diane Mihalsky Adm Law Court AZBN ‘The Firm’

  1. The memories of the neurosurgeon in Bullhead bring back some nursing horrors that upset many nurses. You’d call him up for a high pressure reading and many nurses would claim he didn’t believe them? Not sure what was wrong with him.

  2. Diane Mihalsky is as corrupt as many of the judges at the oah, kangaroo court . This is Amanda ‘s Trujillo, “judge ‘ too, who pretends to listen, but will sign anything the dirty lawyers will put in front of her. One judge recently recommended a nurse allowed to withdraw application. What the nurse wanted. Another just rubber stamped a case, ignored everything mentioned in the case . The atty wanted to table the case until next board meeting, she was telling me, a case from FIVE years ago, but the board refused to allow it delayed 8 weeks. Weird, It was ‘beth campbell who objected which is really weird , and no basis for the delay , other then the judge prepared it ‘for this meeting ” . Prepared what ? ? her rubber stamper ?? obviously alj did NOT read a word. The investigator lied (pinnochio peter ) . as much as the board members who said they read it . She said got it two days prior and read the transcript and the other cases LIARS. She said the board is always telling students how much the nurses lie to them . board lies campbell lies investigators lie. IF they had to do a case without liars where would they be ???

  3. There is no doubt that this agency dominates over the rights of others with injustice and does so with impunity. When nurse Trujillo came forward several years ago with the details of her case many were in disbelief. There have been changes in the system, at least by the proxy of the administration but this post focuses clearly that the AZBN still does what it wants irregardless of state statutes.

  4. That lying ex cop Peter Wittenberg is one who is more than willing to write false reports , and if he can’t get people to say what he wants them to say, he will write down what he wants , knowing it is false. Another dirty cop ,Linda Monas same thing. Only that loud dirty laugh came from a female, so she is disgustingly unprofessional . Only she didn’t get the last laugh . Certainly someone in L A is sitting in a prison cell or spent time in jail , based on his false reports . Ridenour loves investigators like this. She THINKS she can blame shift. He was the investigator. she hired , the board did not vote him in. But when push comes to shove, she will say THIS WAS A BOARD DECISION , and be a bigger turn coat on bd members than Mitt the Twit. Campbell likes to get others to go to bat for her , playing the victim. Sociopaths running a board , which leaves the good nurse victims in disbelief . No Conscience none of them .

  5. I would like to know what the H*ll this ALJ is doing asking questions of the respondent ? What in the H*ll is Diane Mihalsky , doing asking a defendant in the court room if they are mormon or not ? WTH !! Like who would publicly admit THAT ? And what business is it of hers ? IT sure appears that the owners of apartments who are mormons are using the board of nursing to retaliate against a nurse who was not taking their sh*T . The agency board of nursing , using tax dollars to cause their license to be acted upon , for slum lords. And it is no doubt that Krishna had it all arranged that the judge ask the question so it wouldn’t reflect on religious discrimination . (as if this board agency is not full of the mission creeps taking care of their own cult members ) . Diane should be DISBARRED for this . And many other things. Interrupting , A LOT the defendant trying to tell their story. DISCOURAGING getting the entire defense on the record. When it is the nurses turn , Diane makes a statement , “it is about this time that the defendant starts calling the other side liars and sorting out lies they made, and I don’t want to hear any of that ” What the hell kind our GROUND RULES IS THAT !! Amazing , that she admits the nurse has been telling the judge the AAG are lying ! A crooked biased alj, who knows what she is going to sign and doesn’t want the record to reflect the truth . ! Your biased diane and have no business judging anyone ! Stop favoring the board bitches side !!

  6. Here is an evaluation of the OAH, the court the corrupt board of nursing uses. Why is it nurses do not fill out evaluations ? They think it will be held against them . who is filling these things out Elizabeth Campbell Sunita Cario ? Rigged ALL THE WAY AROUND ! anyone use the OAH Admin law sham court . the director there doesn’t believe in statues , hides the mandatory evaluation on the web site, rights all over the place about fair , impartial non biased, but when you arrive the final opinion has been decided . Beware nurses, this is who hears your matter , unless you sign the lies written by the BON investigator. Here is one comment .

    “””The order issued in my case was full of inaccuracies and was in direct conflict with the facts listed within by the Judge as well as supplied in evidence.
    No statutory declared timelines were upheld. The respondent missed every deadline but was always allowed to submit anyway. Then the Judge herself missed the 20 day deadline by more than 30 days. I questioned this verbally with no response so I then submitted a formal written questioning for reasoning and expectations which prompted a rushed and inaccurate order to be written and issued that same day in the respondents favor with the order itself listing contradictory evidence and facts!
    I am floored that this is our people’s legal system and that I believed it was fair! I guess it is time to seek my ombudsman to assist with my due process rights to a FAIR consideration of evidence!”””

  7. By Peary B
    What so many Nursing Boards fail to recognize is the details of the now well established robotics demonstrated in this inpatient’s post while in the hospital. A very common sense of lack of care by the alleged professional whose goal is vacant of the Nightingale Model.
    So, I’m in the ‘new’ Lake Forest IL hospital. Nothing but a cold, glass and metal structure, and the amount of mistakes I have already caught (6 so far) and I am still in here..is completely unacceptable. When you attempt to call them on it, they just wave their hands and blame their computers that tell them what to do, when to do it, etc. Even the “doctors” are clueless; choosing to ignore an already diagnosed potentially fatal condition called Serotonin Syndrome. The younger “nurse bots” have the personality of tan wallpaper. They need the assistance of nurses who have been on the job for years to start a single IV. Yet their yuppie parents pay for their piece of paper certificate stating they can indeed do all of this! I have caught these young nurse bots attempting to overdose me by giving me a one per day medication THREE times per day. When I attempt to give them my list of medications prescribed, or allergic to, they wave that off too, because the computer “cannot make changes”. Bullshit. The days of personal medical care are completely GONE, and ushered in are the mechanical nurse/doctor bots that are taking our money and making mistakes at an all time high. When you attempt to contact someone regarding the mistakes, they either A) ignore you or B) say it will “be looked at internally in the admin. offices” In other words, they will not do a thing about it. Every patient needs to advocate for him/herself, do NOT let them make continuous mistakes “because it is in the computer” No wonder the percentage of medical mistakes/malpractice is so very high.

  8. Just to point out why the title of this site is ‘corrupt ‘ BON. Planned Parenthood is suing Joey Ridenour , as well as others but the corrupt board of nursing puts in their minutes, P P VS AZ BON. Sure looks like she is the target of their investigation and how she runs the board, education, rules, she is screwing other woman out of due process, and they are not even nurses. BTW , a recent poll showed the majority of nurses are pro choice, and non judgemental of those who want to abort or now. P P also has many services to prevent pregnancy. Shameful Ridenour , putting women in the back alley , going backwards with this dinasour thoughts and ideas , women only good for breeding mentality . “”Planned Parenthood alleges the laws violate due-process protections because they lack any legitimate benefit and impose undue burdens on women seeking abortions. The suit asks the court to bar the enforcement of the laws. “”” Just like the board itself , lacks any legitimate benefits to nursing world. This is a decision between a woman and her Dr, not her and Brnovich bitches, J. Ridenour and sheep.

  9. Jo Ridenour needs to be sued, take all that corruption money from her., let her sleep in a tent. planned parent hood works with women in many areas and does more good then the corrupt board of nursing . ! all those who think killing PP is “God’s work”, 3% of PP funds go to abortion services. 97 % goes not only to preventing unwanted pregnancies but general GYN health care including PAP smears and Mammograms.,… So let’s understand just how many women who need everyday gyn care are hurt every PP takes a hit financially! Ridenour, doesn’t care if people have to drive hundreds of miles for health care, look at how she took the stream off the web site, when her board members , got butt hurt, live. Now they have to record them but don’t think for a moment this board wouldn’t ‘doctor up that ” . eliminate anything against them Or said wrong. They can get a court reporter to ‘doctor’ the records, they will do it themselves !

  10. court hearings where the “investigator ‘ is calling the nurses patients . Another stoop to all new low . And they pick a patient who had complained about other things ! These are cases about nurse impaired while at work . Patients are not complaining of inappropriate touch or something like that . just plain strange . I did look up the law suit, you posted about and here it is if you want to read it. Shameful Ridenour putting an agency out of business , not caring about patients who received low cost well women exams. Just make political decisions and maybe Brnovich will assign another assistant atty . over staffed now in that direction for sure . https://apnews.com/beffcf4aa05f4e1089a85b92a7878cba

  11. Kinda looks like a little too much lying by peter the nurse eater. Peter calling nurse , who is sharing family photos a sexual predator ? !! WOW , no wonder she took it to court . Career ending, for life ! What a crooked cop, and again the “nude” photos when he knew they were not . LIARS at the BOARD OF NURSING.AGENCY. What ever happened to Kristy Hunter . Another Nurse eater . Did Peter the nurse eater , ever have any integrity . This type takes great pleasure taking women down period. pussy with a badge. Looks like he may have been taken out, but not for ethical reasons for sure !! “beth” Campbell , gets her way , no wonder she stays at a corrupt nursing board. She can do almost anything she wants. Someday she’ll join Peter, and Kristy . Until then , “beth” Campbells torture chamber of embellished bullsh*t .

  12. your right that bitch kristy hunter gone, that poor NP who asked for another investigator to get away from her, had no idea they all eat out of the same trough . And peter the great liar, surely got to be on a hoa board, and do their dirty work . while intimidating people . He could never be happy without making someone ‘s life miserable . In that respect he fit right in. A new one Anna Anderson , amazing how first day on the job, SENIOR investigator. , love those titles don’t they , sounds like they are over others and much experience . Then add TIFFANY FOTINO. Be interesting to see the connections.

    1. Jokey why you and your slimy trash from the AAZBON, AAZAGO, and your pungent face old man running asset checks on us? Is it because you want to know what we have to defend ourselves with. Under what federal statute and law are you doing this? Well we ran some on you and your old man’s sister; we know what you have jokey, and all those that suck up to you.
      We are coming together across this nation:

  13. The story I’ve heard and read before but not with this detail and some of the evidence is disturbing. I believe it. I think time has helped in the changes with the AZBN staff and now that Quinn is gone there maybe some honesty prevailing. His image at meetings appeared so very righteous and politically correct but with so many nurses with stories of liars and just plain trash cases it is obvious his influences were very bad for nurses.

  14. RANDY QUINN is just plain “a legend unto himself.” Moron. Generally when people attain adult hood, they start to look around and wonder and compare themselves to others and question is what they were taught was lies. Looking at others he is radically different, and that is certainly no compliment . Most people would say, yea that he is really out there, weirdo , but he can’t get out. He cannot make a statement at all derogatory , he would be shunned for sure. At his age no penetrating that brain washed monster . Time will certainly tell is Makoba- Hill will be honest or continue to let Carolyn McCormies dictate how the rest of the board will vote.
    This site , attempts to educate those nurses who just cannot wrap their minds around most of what is being told . They are learning so much, in that rose colored glasses stage. But eventually , they will understand . A fellow nurse taken down, who knows . Until then still providing a free service to nurses who even think about getting a license in AZ !
    Don’t stop sharing with others, every nurse who has been wronged by ruination randy and board .

  15. I do not see anything changing at the Office of Admin law court , which by the way is one floor below board of nursing meeting. (cozy little set up ) . Will ALJ”s develop a conscience ? or even read the briefs? Don’t hold your breath. As for Krishna, she isn’t even trusted to take the cases with lawyers involved yet. Still being weaned by Campbell. (oh speaking of bizarre, beth, her s o will tell her stay right where she is, imagine her trying to join him in his firm, (EKKKKK “SSS!!!) yep and that is what he is most likely thinking too. Somebody has to work hourly to get the health insurance. And he number of nurses who suffered under the torture by titaly twink EC .

  16. Quinn wasn’t the only disturbed corrupt one on the board , McCormies is back and tainting new ones too stupid to think for themselves . And the ones who work there on and off of the board. It takes a village of thieves and liars to attack a nurse. Once some one lies just makes stuff up with motive it is hard to fight , but why should it be? Any prosecutor who brings in liars, and a judge willing to sign they are credible , are working in collusion with the corrupt board. the DA , and Judge have some immunity but the board , dir and staff, do not. Maybe AZ needs to be a little more progressive (a LOT more ) do what Ct did . How well do the investigators check out ‘witnesses” , well with the amount of lying they are willing to put into their report to the board, they simply do not care, And the ones promoted to assoc director are the ones who really gave up a piece of their soul , if they had one , for the raise.
    You don’t need prisoners to lie, the A AG can find enough liars willing to say what ever they want .

    With the stroke of a pen, Connecticut became the first state in the nation to require prosecutors to track information on jailhouse witnesses with the signing of State Bill
    The first-of-a-kind law will require that the state’s Office of Policy and Management Criminal Justice Division set up a system to track information on all potential jail houses that can be accessed by every prosecutor in the state.
    “It’s important for prosecutors to have that information so they can assess whether or not this person is reliable,” said Michelle Feldman, State Campaign Director for the Innocence Project which helped draft the bill.
    The new law is meant to add another layer of transparency in the use of testimony provided by jailhouse witnesses, Feldman said. “This is the first state in the nation that will have the information available for all prosecutors,” she said.

    “””” the only ones to “blame” are the prosecutor who solicits that kind of questionable testimony and the judge who admits it as credible.”””” This statement is right on the mark.

  17. hey hey, wake up , to all of the AAG’s who want to do corrupt things with the AZ board of nursing, look how your dirty deeds of corruption and reputation will follow you, for life !! back fire bitch’es and Raine and Tillier ! TODAYS HEADLINES !! Did Amy Klobuchar Send an Innocent Teenager to Life in Prison? Questions Mount over Her Record as DA?

  18. This kind of stuff Campbell , Reine, Krishna, Tellier happens with juries too. So why would it not be happening without juries, ? Too many willing to lie , too many investigators willing to write out lies in their reports. Here is report of one who took it to higher court.
    “” Jurors go off what prosecutors tell them which is normally a huge lie. If you had prosecutors who had ho or or integrity this kinda stuff would bot happen. I’ve seen prosecutors lie and make up big glamorous lies with no proof to back them. In my case I have personally seen the prosecutors and their witnesses lie and there is nothing you can do about it. I will be going to jury trial on the sole evidence that I’m guilty because I was in the building. Oh and just fyi I was a cop when all this crap started. I was asked to lie by the prosecutors and say I saw something when I didn’t. I refused and they got pissed and came after me. So I have no faith in prosecutors or the system at all and the end of this year I will loose my life because of the corruption in the system. I’m fighting to open peoples eyes and it probably will not open a single one because people are either sheep or they just don’t care””
    So which one are you? the one willing to lie your head off , rehearsed untrue statements ? Which kind of person are you ?

  19. There has been good evidence that this case was designed from the beginning to promote additional surgeries as the pt’s insurance, at that time, covered failures. Meaning failure meant more profitable surgeries.

  20. This is what happens to nurses who report unsafe conditions . They are destroyed from working again. But the ones who just may be a patient , of course they think they will get ‘special ‘ treatment .

    A senior district nurse who was unfairly dismissed after blowing the whistle over valid safety concerns has told how the ordeal has left her life in “chaos” and she feels forced to quit the profession for good.

    Linda Fairhall, who had worked for 38 years, has spoken to Nursing about her experiences after she successfully challenged her employer’s decision to sack her. (you would never see this in AZ NURSE no way no how, AZNA is too corrupt to expose the truth!)

    “I don’t want anyone else to suffer what I’ve been through”

    Linda Fairhall

    Between December 2015 to October 2016, Ms Fairhall raised 13 concerns to the trust regarding staff and patient safety.

    At the time, she was managing a team of around 50 district nurses in her role of clinical care co-ordinator.

    She was concerned about her team’s workload, employee stress and sickness, and she had also reported fears about the risk to patient safety, including concerns over one patient death.

    Ms Fairhall’s staff were under additional pressure because of a new requirement put upon them by the local authority.

    New medication prompts required district nurses to closely monitor patients to ensure that the correct medicines were taken at the correct time.

    This caused a sudden increase of approximately 1,000 extra visits per month for the service with no extra resources.

    Ms Fairhall told Nursing that these changes “led to absolute chaos” as nursing home closures and safeguarding investigations added to the pressure.

    “I’d been escalating all these concerns as a result of the pressure on staff and I’d been putting it in writing, following all my [Nursing and Midwifery Council] guidelines and professional code of conduct,” she said.

    “I [thought] nobody is listening to me properly, I can’t do anymore. I am so concerned that there’s imminent risk to patients and to staff and I want to invoke the formal whistleblowing policy.”

    However, upon returning from annual leave on 31 October 2016, Ms Fairhall was told that she had been suspended.

    She was informed that the suspension was to allow an investigation into allegations of gross misconduct regarding her leadership.

    “I was absolutely bewildered,” she said.

    “I was utterly devastated. It was a real ethical dilemma for me because I was trying to balance my loyalty to the organization with my role as a nurse.”

    Ms Fairhall’s suspension continued for a further 18 months until she was dismissed on 16 April 2018.

    During this period she was battling with personal tragedies.

    Ms Fairhall was still recovering following breast cancer treatment and her teenage son was also very unwell at the time, and as a result he was being home-schooled.

    Eight months into the suspension, Ms Fairhall’s partner died from a heart attack.

    “I’ve had some really dark times,” she explained. “Not only am I trying to grieve for my partner, I’ve had to build a case to try and defend myself but I didn’t know what I was trying to defend myself against – because I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong.”

    Last year, Ms Fairhall took the trust to an employment tribunal in attempt to prove that her dismissal had been unfair.

    Employment judge Gerald Johnson oversaw the hearing at the Teesside Justice Hearing Centre, where he found in favour of Ms Fairhall. (YOU WONT FIND THIS AT THE CORRUPT OAH HEARINGS !!! )

    In a report published this month, the panel described Ms Fairhall’s nursing record as being “clean and unblemished”.

    “Workers who speak up should be thanked for doing so”
    Significantly, it also found that Ms Fairhall’s complaints when she worked at the trust had contained sufficient information to prove the safety of staff and patients was likely to be endangered.

    The panel noted the close proximity between the beginning of Ms Fairhall’s formal whistleblowing process and the trust’s decision to suspend her.

    It found North Tees and Hartlepool’s investigation into Ms Fairhall to be “unreasonable” and criticized a “lack of credible evidence” from the trust’s witnesses during the trial.

    Upon hearing the decision in her favour Ms Fairhall thought she would feel elated, but instead she said it “just felt flat”.
    “I was happy that I’d won it but I thought, this hasn’t ended yet.”
    Ms Fairhall has had to pay for her legal representation which has been a significant financial investment, and as a result she is seeking compensation.
    She has let her registration lapse and said she “can’t be a nurse anymore”.
    “I don’t think I’d be a safe practitioner because I wouldn’t dare report anything,” she added.
    “My whole life has been in chaos. I’m a different person. I don’t sleep at night. (the ones who are responsible for this, are amused by another person’s suffering , like J Ridenour, and crew)

    “I don’t want anyone else to suffer what I’ve been through.”
    Ms Fairhall has been supported by her family and friends, and she also noted that her trust’s Freedom to Speak Up Guardian was “really supportive.”
    Dr Henrietta Hughes, the UK’s national guardian, responded to Ms Fairhall’s case.
    Henrietta Hughes
    She told Nursing Times: “Workers who speak up should be thanked for doing so and the organization should demonstrate they are taking action to address the issues raised. )

    A senior district nurse who was unfairly dismissed after blowing the whistle over valid safety concerns has told how the ordeal has left her life in “chaos” and she feels forced to quit the profession for good.

    Linda Fairhall, who had worked at North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust for 38 years, has spoken to Nursing Times about her experiences after she successfully challenged her employer’s decision to sack her.

    “I don’t want anyone else to suffer what I’ve been through”

    Linda Fairhall

    Between December 2015 to October 2016, Ms Fairhall raised 13 concerns to the trust regarding staff and patient safety.

    At the time, she was managing a team of around 50 district nurses in her role of clinical care co-ordinator.

    She was concerned about her team’s workload, employee stress and sickness, and she had also reported fears about the risk to patient safety, including concerns over one patient death.

    Ms Fairhall’s staff were under additional pressure because of a new requirement put upon them by the local authority.

    New medication prompts required district nurses to closely monitor patients to ensure that the correct medicines were taken at the correct time.

    This caused a sudden increase of approximately 1,000 extra visits per month for the service with no extra resources.

    Ms Fairhall told Nursing Times that these changes “led to absolute chaos” as nursing home closures and safeguarding investigations added to the pressure.

    “I’d been escalating all these concerns as a result of the pressure on staff and I’d been putting it in writing, following all my [Nursing and Midwifery Council] guidelines and professional code of conduct,” she said.

    “I [thought] nobody is listening to me properly, I can’t do anymore. I am so concerned that there’s imminent risk to patients and to staff and I want to invoke the formal whistleblowing policy.”

    However, upon returning from annual leave on 31 October 2016, Ms Fairhall was told that she had been suspended.

    She was informed that the suspension was to allow an investigation into allegations of gross misconduct regarding her leadership.

    “I was absolutely bewildered,” she said.

    “I was utterly devastated. It was a real ethical dilemma for me because I was trying to balance my loyalty to the organisation with my role as a nurse.”

    Ms Fairhall’s suspension continued for a further 18 months until she was dismissed on 16 April 2018.

    During this period she was battling with personal tragedies.

    Ms Fairhall was still recovering following breast cancer treatment and her teenage son was also very unwell at the time, and as a result he was being home-schooled.

    Eight months into the suspension, Ms Fairhall’s partner died from a heart attack.

    “I’ve had some really dark times,” she explained. “Not only am I trying to grieve for my partner, I’ve had to build a case to try and defend myself but I didn’t know what I was trying to defend myself against – because I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong.”

    Last year, Ms Fairhall took the trust to an employment tribunal in attempt to prove that her dismissal had been unfair.

    Employment judge Gerald Johnson oversaw the hearing at the Teesside Justice Hearing Centre, where he found in favour of Ms Fairhall.

    In a report published this month, the panel described Ms Fairhall’s nursing record as being “clean and unblemished”.

    “Workers who speak up should be thanked for doing so”

    Henrietta Hughes

    Significantly, it also found that Ms Fairhall’s complaints when she worked at the trust had contained sufficient information to prove the safety of staff and patients was likely to be endangered.

    The panel noted the close proximity between the beginning of Ms Fairhall’s formal whistleblowing process and the trust’s decision to suspend her.

    It found North Tees and Hartlepool’s investigation into Ms Fairhall to be “unreasonable” and criticised a “lack of credible evidence” from the trust’s witnesses during the trial.

    Upon hearing the decision in her favour Ms Fairhall thought she would feel elated, but instead she said it “just felt flat”.

    “I was happy that I’d won it but I thought, this hasn’t ended yet.”

    Ms Fairhall has had to pay for her legal representation which has been a significant financial investment, and as a result she is seeking compensation.

    She has let her registration lapse and said she “can’t be a nurse anymore”.

    “I don’t think I’d be a safe practitioner because I wouldn’t dare report anything,” she added.

    “My whole life has been in chaos. I’m a different person. I don’t sleep at night.

    “I don’t want anyone else to suffer what I’ve been through.”

    Ms Fairhall has been supported by her family and friends, and she also noted that her trust’s Freedom to Speak Up Guardian was “really supportive.”

    Dr Henrietta Hughes, the UK’s national guardian, responded to Ms Fairhall’s case.

    Henrietta Hughes

    She told Nursing Times: “Workers who speak up should be thanked for doing so and the organisation should demonstrate they are taking action to address the issues raised.

    “The point that I am very concerned has been lost is that the tribunal found that Ms Fairhall’s disclosure of information was ‘with sufficient factual content and specificity and which tended to show that the health or safety of patients or staff was likely to be endangered’.

    “The trust needs to ensure that any patient safety matters raised have been actioned and that the speaking up has led to learning and improvement, for both patients and workers.”

    A spokesperson for the trust said it acknowledged the ruling and intended to appeal the decision.

    A remedy hearing has been set for 22 June

    “The point that I am very concerned has been lost is that the tribunal found that Ms Fairhall’s disclosure of information was ‘with sufficient factual content and specificity and which tended to show that the health or safety of patients or staff was likely to be endangered’.

    “The trust needs to ensure that any patient safety matters raised have been actioned and that the speaking up has led to learning and improvement, for both patients and workers.”

    A spokesperson for the trust said it acknowledged the ruling and intended to appeal the decision. (OF COURSE JUST LIKE AZ CORRUPT BOARD NEVER ADMIT WRONG DOINGS , NEVER ! )
    A remedy hearing has been set for 22 June.

  21. “”The Definition of a Winner is One Who Refuses To Stop Fighting Injustice Or Your Cause.NeverSurrender. NeverGiveUp “”
    “”To Those Who Have Suffered Judicial Abuse and Injustice I Appreciate You for fighting.! NeverGiveUp! JudicialReform! Warn newbies , expose the truth, and don’t back down. “”

    1. In Arizona if a nurse reports a company, and especially if its a company like one of the AZ hospital Association members or another company in AZ that is a member of even the AZ Home Health Assoc. then the AZBON takes the report and screws the nurse over and the cunts from the AZAAG of finish the job. Three ringed circus full of lying CUNTS. Nurses are not supposed to report the Cunt jockeys or her friends now are we.

  22. With the number of nurses , lpn’s , cna’s who come on here, it may not be sexual harassment but it is harassment, by Ridenour, why can the law suits fly and get the bitch out and clean house ! they got the dir out in California. Oh and BTW Ridenour was on the AZ hospital association, and they got sued !LOLOLOL ! she is one smelly dirty cunt for sure ,CALIFORNIA DID IT !!! “”””The executive director of the state Board of Registered Nursing resigned Friday after women who worked with him mounted a public campaign accusing him of sexual harassment. Joseph Morris, a former hospital administrator, was appointed to lead the board that licenses and regulates California nurses in July 2016.

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