Workplace Violence AZBN

The American Nurse Association has a solid handle on what it’s like to be involved in workplace abuse of nurses which the A.N.A. is trying to bring forward as well as create interesting responses to bullying in the clinical areas. The stats on workplace violence has risen 25% since the pandemic. Their work has categorized violent behavior in a unique view for the public to see some of what is going on. The construction of “Mobbing” by health care workers and administration types is not an opinion, it is fact. “Mobbing” is a common occurrence perpetrators use to injure other nurses for motives that go well beyond the ignorance of those actors. The ANA has done extensive researching throughout the international community and defines these behavioral problems as a major factor in the limited staffing now causing shut downs all over.

Although “Mobbing” is only one category of violence initiatives, it presents itself throughout administration, where other episodes are logistical and exogenous centered; “Mobbing” is well designed and described in all studies directly connected to management and regulatory agencies.

The routine of this bullying almost always involves the nurses portraying as several nurses bullying and intimidating another nurse to cause termination.

Just one click to the left you’ll find the AZBN at the Arizona helm for “Mobbing” against nurses for convictions leading to the center point of what many experienced clinicians know as the Medical Mafia. This group is a group of klandestine career enders that do not wear signs. However, they are housed at places like “Bowwlaw”, with names like T.Scott King and Joey Ridenour from AZBN reside. Both are liars well known by many whose power to destroy nurses illegally is very common. The documentation of their horrors is cemented in documents placed nationwide via NCSBN where false documents fill mounded bushel baskets. The precise mechanisms for these files goes to Attorney General M.Brnovich as others shch as Elizabeth A.Campbell connected to the “largest cash register” in the world. The fabrication of many cases with perjury and suborning it, if not creating it. We are now at the point of origin of one of the major creative sources for workplace violence. Unfortunately violence is not distributed evenly and criminals are at the helm getting away with crimes against nurses. The long rant with confirming evidence of already public notoriety will not now reappear here, unless requested.

A social response to workplace violence follows the cultural and judicial line to communicate with others and passionately express outrage.The male subjects noted for strength in family unity has wandered off into a culture of family separation.Victor Hanson…The male role in familial protection and violence is a normal response, the creation of justice with violence is common. The reduced number of family orientation with male model leader is grossly diverse and misleading. A lack of response to violence is abnormal.

The AZBN has not experienced the violence equal to the nurses they abuse, now not working, because of the violence placed upon them by this agency. Arizona has the lowest number of working nurses, per captor, more than any other state. The AZBN is also the focal point for academic case reviews for curriculum to show the abuse of nurses ultimately causing patient harm. The mob has pushed as a mob in many mistreated cases therefore violent responses and or fallout will be normal behavior.

To protection of the nurses as the largest working group should not have to get violent to be normal. Nobody should, but it works for the AZBN.. normal for them. There is present day groups of experienced nurses to force honesty by way of bringing in the law. The greenhorn must feel comfortable to effectively learn these dangers and has what we all need to feel comfortable & free to do what we trained for. Acts of violence against board might be to inform LBK where that abortion document is as well to extend statute of limitations r/t previously unknown evidence in civil invasion of privacy filing. Another one of the many oddities of the AZBN. “, , Although deep within the closet” of many odd cases lies the hidden prescription for substance use, their blood presence is or isn’t. The police and nurses know everything , therefore the public is noted as knowledgeable. A.Fountain is a bad actor.

Peary Brown retired R.N. 22 October 2022




Ethics of Record AZBN.GOV

The definitions of ethics are not always billed as laws on the books; as morality in basic law foundations are of character. Record keeping and management of nurses records on file force dings in desires to stay in nursing, very evident today. But epigrams here of real cases comes objectively and is republish able without fear of inaccuracies. Each nurse’s story is that we are interested in the ones of illegal behaviors by Adm, AKA AZBN A real nurse from Fla gets arrested more than 10 yrs prior to for domestic assault and assaults’ on police. Her Application to Az was conditioned with monitoring/probation to which she rejected. She had this side interest in the Grand Canyon and her dream job was working in both nursing and the Canyon. Her ability to get that done was gone as hiring was prohibitive b/c of probation. The significance is that not all cases of being arrested results in being charged and arraigned on that charge. In C.R.’s case the prosecutor did not put the case on the docket to be arraigned. Failure to prosecute is not uncommon in today’s mkt place. Although this case was 10 yrs ago. The only reason the case came up was because C.R. answered the question of arrests accurately, and stated its dismissal. C.R. was ignorant to the importance of filing. Further investigation of adm incompetence and probable ethical federal violations is that a case can not be dismissed when it was never filed, therefore only the police report remains. Publishing this on NCSBN is a civil rights violations. 100s of cases. The police report is available to public and is hearsay only not useable in any other case, or publishable. C.R. was hit again upon renewal of Fla lic. via warning, for Arizona’s denial of a case that truly never existed. The use of police reports by AZBN is passed throughout their system via NCSBN. Can you imagine seeing a health care doc on yourself revealing an abortion 25 yrs prior?? There is one of those. Buried deep but its there. Sometimes the borders of copied docs by keyboard jockeys reveal more than what was intended. Documentation is what these groups love as it performs credibility and allows for a paycheck. Accuracy in tyranny is irrelevant.

Become a nurse in Arizona and get disciplinary records, x2, on a case that does not exist.

Peary Brown retired R.N.

Angela Fountain AZBN The Evidence Speaks For Itself

If a time comes when the rubber screeches where it touches the world….this be that screech of ungodly sounds. Board Member Fountain does not live in the bedside critical care world when she praises Dr. Richmond in both negligent death c/c against his lic. We as victims of this AZBN know that Bd member Fountain has little experience in clinical anesthesia. In spite of her credentials anybody associated with anesthesia knows two deaths within a short period of one another should not generate a pass from the likes of this stumbling Bd member who seems to be THAT person who’d sway a vote for no monitoring of an anesthetist that can not regulate the flow of O2. I mean these people are suppose to be experts at airway management, which most anesthesiologists will tell you isn’t rocket science. That is only half of the story…like moving leinable assets before civil filings begin, NOW AINT THAT RICH. Where did they learn to title that big house in Scottsdale to a friend. , not to mention the 250,000 boat now in the hands of some heap big unrelated friend.

This is America and if you are not cheating then your not trying. Conflict of interests??? And way more. These people need to be stopped.

I like the part where Richmond becomes ‘Doctor’ after Bd processes.

Saving Nursing One Nurse At A Time

Amanda Trujillo, R.N. & The AZBN or The Valerie Smith’s SDummies’s Course For How to Break Confidentiality of a Corpse.

Upon first interview with the then enamored nurse it was very apparent to those with a half a brain that this person had what it took to be a real nurse. What can that be a real nurse? The transition into today’s automated, robotic, milieu of dollars and cents from a caring and concerned foundation of yesteryear does not go easy for real nurses. Nurse Trujillo represents the true meaning of, “No good deed goes unpunished.” By the time the system got done with her, and she openly told the world, many experienced nurses would come to realize that nursing, as we know it, is dead. At least in Arizona. Objectively one could easily argue that a statement as profound as that can not be concluded from just one case. This page is loaded with many cases, and unfortunately not a single nurse, except Nurse Trujillo would allow her name to be openly used. The behind the facade of the seemingly public safety agency lies the miserable right wing of extremism of greed and power. In a town that supports big pricks like Arpaio you’ll not only get massive perjured events but unprecedented collisions driven by greed. Amanda Trujillo, R.N. was able to make this clear with her wonderful literary style of honesty. It was so cool viewing so many modern day over educated chameleons defending a corrupted agency when in fact there was many more Nurse Trujillos turned into zombies by this automated establishment. How can this be cool? Its when the whole room knows the truth and the witnesses are lying that stirs up that emotion well known to accompany the truth.

Thanks to all this political punishment the U.S. is left with the worse quality health care rating in the industrialized world. Can it be said that these nurse abuse cases represent the fall of safety which is now staring us all in the face? It is merely one aspect in combination with greed that is killing us. Those who place faith in this system will eventually find out they are no longer part of the great Kingdom that potentially exists. And some will lose their lives, and the lives of loved ones due to medical error, and not have a clue that the dose of Vanco was three times what it should have been. Not possible? Every hour 2 people die in the state of Arizona due to undocumented medical errors. Key word, ‘undocumented.’ Die with that. We don’t remember the AZBN bad tactics as much as remembering their silence in the damages to our loved ones. Nurse Trujillo is just one of the many loved ones.

Valerie Smith was the great white in Amanda’s case, although far from being alone, it was a routine feeding frenzy on an uncooperative nurse whose original documents published were of 2 yrs old of an event not filed until AZBN needed something more?? So a non public c/c never brought forward b/c at the time of the original event there was no evidence of the event. Yeah…this bd will do just about anything you can think of to nurses  and their assistants. The crimes against Amanda perpetrated by Smith are the truth of the violence against nurses, and their assistants. I could not walk downtown if I knew what the the general public now knows about something as evil as what Smith did to Amanda. 
