Favoritism Is The AZBN Middle Name Ann Totsch Imposter


Sort of like Joe Arpaio, House of Cards. The Ducey Adm you don’t know about. In a real non-fascist adm the following evidence would immediately make Totsch’s testimony incredulous. In Phoenix these kinds of carcasses rot in plain site and nobody cares. The carcasses are all over, stinking.


TO Governor Ducey,

State of AZ

RE: Compliant AZ Board of Nursing


I gave the AZ Board of Nursing “BON” , a complaint in person to “sue “,  at the desk during one of their meetings April 2017 (right after discovery ) , concerning an individual named Ann Totsch. And by mail along with others since the SOL is 4 years now instead of 6 .                       Ann Totsch,  presented herself as a “RN” , signed her name RN, signed an affidavit she is a “nurse paralegal ” . Testified; under oath ,  that she is a “registered nurse ” “nurse paralegal ” .  That is the part that concerns the AZ BON.  Ann Totsch does not have a license as a nurse in AZ . Nor has she ever had.   She is/was employed at Yuma Regional Medical Center for 13 years in risk mgt dept signing all memos/ letters  with “RN” “nurse paralegal” .   She earned wages.  This constitutes a class 6 felony.  She must be licensed IN THE STATE OF AZ, and current. Totsch has an expired license in Missouri, and current one in Illinois. Neither state “compact ” agreement.  The AZ BON did nothing . No action was taken.

I contacted the Dept of Licensing, they wrote back , not their interest to contact the AZBON.

I filled out online complaint with the ATTY Gen office, who wrote back , “why not file a medicare fraud complaint “?   I wrote back and suggested why not just do your  job? As if the AZ BON referred the complaint to them. 1)cease and desist 2) prosecute and fine her 3) notify other states 4) put her name on the nurse imposter list.  Nothing has been done .  The two agencies responsible have not acted .

I contacted Illinois, approx,  DOH / BON , I recieved a call on Jan 23, 2018 from the investigator who got the complaint stating they do not have jurisdiction until AZ acts “contact them ” . I explained the situation, they were not doing anything and the entire matter about this woman Ann Totsch, who has told many lies one being  she worked for the DEA and  was a DEA agent. To which she had to admit she never worked for the DEA, when asked if she ever recieved a pay check . “No” .


The AZ BON state agency is in existence to protect the public , they maintain a “nurse imposter ” list on their web site .  The AZ BON has put peoples names on the list for just using RN, or a CNA stating they are a nurse.  The ATTy GEN office has fined two nurses for earning money while impersonating a nurse.

I would like some action to be taken on this person , and be informed what if any has taken place.  Absurd that two states agencies are ignoring felony violations , and not taking any action to stop this practice ! Filed this in good faith,

cc: multiple , DOH State of Illinois

This fact of incredulous witnessing is the results of years of doing the same in many cases. The arrogance gained by repeat felonious testimonies is allowed to sit comfortably with this adm because of its outer veneer of power. In order for the power to be accepted one must have the courage to not be faulted by anything. The only demonstration of real power and courage in my locker is the 19 y.o. Marine who douses himself with diesel fuel, lights himself on fire to draw fire away from the rest of the platoon. If Sully knew these peckerwoods were pissing on his grave by abusing the rights for which he died for, he would haunt them over & over&over.

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