Physician Discipline Vs. AZBN Nurse Discipline

Can any experienced nurse say that the treatment of complaints for physicians is equal to that of the AZBN for nurses. There is a long pause for you to scan over what you know physicians have done to create immoral and or unsafe conditions for many that are within their reach of damage? The level of complaints is voluminous enough to clog the system.

What creates the regulatory agencies to respond so differently under similar or identical violations is probably a matter of a systematic comparison of each discipline. A nurse who perhaps is a nurse anesthetist that leaves her intubated pt. and goes to the bathroom and overdoses on narcs diverted from her employer, and when found and awakened literally runs out to her car in the hospital parking lot, pt. still intubated. A nurse is criminally charged and immediate suspension of nurse license. True story; physician did the exact same thing=6Mos. lic suspension, Rehab, drug screening, back on the block making the $$. 

So why the disparity in AZBN disciplinary actions beside other agencies such as the medical board?? Do physicians get off so much easier than nurses? We all know what the answer to that is and can any define what creates some of the most ridiculous cases against nurses? The love of money is the root of all evil. You got the money and are a physician you win, very few physicians have their license revoked. Disciplines are, in Az., posted but no details: unless Adm Law Hearing. Felonies which occur in relation to medical issues are an event of way more frequency that are diluted and deleted with the repeated expertise that comes with the De’Javu of  having been here before. The magician that makes honesty disappear, and reappear in their favor.  

So I was charged with unprofessional conduct because of a dispute I had with the Patent Registry over their androidal invasiveness about registering a patent I created for a new perspirant, ‘Melineal  Delight’ is not an antiperspirant, but a perspirant to simulate perspiration of body order. It was designed for the new generations that want to give the appearance that they’re working. Stay at home Dads, retirees, returning home after college grads, and for others in adm that, ‘just like to see people sweat’, and want the full compliments for effect. The Bd came down big because of my disruptiveness in a public place.  Soy una enfermera, no un santo.





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